Organisational structure  The official authorities of the Office are the President of the Office and the two Vice-Presidents of the Office. The Office shall be headed by the President as a...


The Office competence and authority The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic is a State authority which is independent while carrying out its audit activities and bound only by the Law....


Legal status The Office was established upon the Articles 60 to 63 of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. The Office was founded by and acts upon the Law (Act of the National Council of the...


The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (Office) was established the 1. April 1993. The Slovak Constitution of 1992 confirmed the Office as the independent external audit body. The Act...


The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (Office) was established the 1. April 1993. The Slovak Constitution of 1992 confirmed the Office as the independent external audit body. The Act...


Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic begun the peer review of the State Audit Office of Latvia as the peer review leader Peer review of the SAI of Latvia with SAO of Slovakia as team...


Correspondence Letter from Vitor Caldeira (.PDF / 26kB)


Supreme Audit Institution of Norway presentation on fight against corruption in the field of environment Kjell Kristian Dorum, (Supreme Audit Institution of Norway), visited Supreme Audit Office...


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Prezentujú nás International Journal of Government Auditing o prieskume uskutočnenom NKÚ SR


Poďakovanie Jozefa Dvonča, primátora Nitry, predsedovi NKÚ SR Poďakovanie Jozefa Dvonča, primátora Nitry, predsedovi NKÚ SR (.PDF / 144kB)


Information Systems Audit and Security The project "Information Systems Audit and Security" is realized in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Audit Office. As one of these project activities, a...


O kontrole informačných systémov Projekt „Kontrola a bezpečnosť informačných systémov" je realizovaný v spolupráci so Švajčiarskym federálnym kontrolným úradom (Swiss Federal Audit...


Vízia, poslanie a princípy Vízia Napomáhať hospodárnemu, efektívnemu, účinnému a transparentnému používaniu verejných zdrojov SR a EÚ štátnou správou, samosprávou a občanmi štátu a kontinuálnemu...


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