Statement of SAO SR to the Proposal of the State Final Account for the year 2011

Statement of SAO SR to the Proposal of the State Final Account for the year 2011

The President of the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic (SAO SR) Mr. Ján Jasovský presented yesterday, on June 26th, 2012, the Statement of SAO SR to the Proposal of the State Final Account of the Slovak Republic for the year 2011 in the General Assembly of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. The Statement is essential part of the Proposal of the State Final Account of the Slovak Republic and they both together were discussed and approved by the Members of the National Council.

The Statement of the SAO SR to the Proposal of the State Final Account of the Slovak Republic for the year 2011 has been published in Slovak language on the web page of SAO SR in the part Statements.
